About This Blog

This blog was started as a place to post book reviews. The books reviewed here will be mixed. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Romance, General Fiction, NonFiction and more. Both positve and negative reviews will be posted, as well as reviews for books written for all ages and all reading levels.

Many of the books reviewed here are ones that I have purchased for my own reading pleasure. Some, I receive free in exchange for reviews. Beginning in December, 2009 you will know which are the free ones if you read the final paragraph of my reviews.

Also of note: I choose what I will read, attempting to avoid the books on which I would end up writing a negative review... but I have been known to make mistakes. Thus you see some one and two star reviews here. Since I don't enjoy writing negative reviews, I only write them if the review was promised, or if the book was so exceedingly bad, I just had to say so. Regardless of the percentage of positive to negative reviews on this blog, I give my honest opinion each and every time, and have never received financial compensation for posting my reviews.

Note that, except for fair use portions quoted from some of the books reviewed, all copyright in the content of the reviews belongs to Lady Dragoness.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Two Mysteries, Could Be Better Integrated

Mystery Time By Jane Hannah tries to be two mysteries in one. The first mystery has to do with murder, and that one catches your attention right off the bat, and does a fairly good job of hanging on until the very end.

The second mystery has to do with a watch currently owned by the female protagonist. The watch is an heirloom left to her by her deceased husband.

As the story progresses, it swings back and forth between the murder chapters and the watch chapters, but most of the transitions aren't as well done as one could expect, hence the loss of one star from my rating. At times, I even questioned the relevance of some parts of the story of this antique watch, until I remembered that it had been stolen early in the novel. Better connection of the chapters that concern the watch to the chapters about the murder investigation could make this novel more interesting.

Recommended to those who like murder mysteries. This review has also been posted on LibraryThing and on Amazon.com.

FTC regulations mandate that I disclose that I received a copy of the novel free from the author in exchange for an honest review.